Wednesday, May 30, 2007

What Am I?

Posted 11-30-06 on another website:

Another day.
But today, it was cold and an ice storm is visiting KC.
Then again, that is normal at least once or twice every couple of years.
I enjoy them.
Others hate them.

Even though I have had some wrecks in these storms.
I still find them beautiful, with respect.

So, while waiting for the day to end- dentists don't like bad weather either- I started looking at things.
Bored, I was browsing around and found my coworker's previous browsing.
He is a MySpace junkie.
So decided to see if someone was still on there.

Sure enough, I found them.
I will not mention this individual by name, except by the term Czarina.
I guess that gives the sex away, but I will not confirm it.
I once had a life with Czarina.
But that life is a distant memory of reflection, correction, pain, and abuse.

Reading about Czarina, seeing photos, and glimpsing this person's life again, made me realize something- There is a God.
God answered my prayers for Czarina. This person's life is back on track, making (I guess) lots-o-money, in a new relationship, and what else? Happiness.

Czarina is happy.

That was all I prayed for. Does it make me happy? In a way, yes.

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