Today, over 310 people have been given hot full plates of food and tea. Each and everyone of these people have been blesses in one way or another. They've also been given a glimpse of the Lord's love for them!

No matter what they have done, are doing, or will do, God will still love them. He accepts them with all of their faults. He desires them, no matter what. Imagine that? The God of the Universe, of Heaven, and beyond, wants imperfect and corruptible people. In fact, I would place myself into their category because we are all imperfect and full of sin. Yet, today, God used me to show those that are lost or being driven under for some unknown reason, He loves them and desires them. To me, a large steaming plate of food on a cold day, without charge and prepared by hand by volunteers, speaks volumes to me. God is love!

Also today, I discovered how to enjoy life even more with people I don't even know. A person can call this effect "familyhood". Basically, its when Christians, who are real Believers in Christ, get together and have a great time as brothers and sisters of the Lord! And believe me, the Lord can turn any boring party, as long as it is recognized that He is the reason we are there, into a fantastic adventure of joy and happiness! Jesus wants us to enjoy life! He wants us to be in fellowship with each other! He wants us to love one another and He will use His gifts to help us enjoy our time together!
I am so thankful to Him because of this great day! Today was His and was for Him. We fed many, many people and they graciously accepted the food and blessed us while we blessed them! It was truly wonderful to see their eyes light up at the site of this food! And I got to see the Lord in each of their eyes, because He said "For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me." (Matt 25:35-36 NLT) Oh, yeah, we also gave them socks, some clothes, gloves, soap, water, tea...It was all given, for free! And Jesus was in each of them. The passion I feel over this whole thing goes beyond comprehension! I helped feed God today, or rather over 310 individuals of God! :)
In either case, I got some photos and plan to post them when the server is ready! Or is it ready now... If you see something, then it is! :)

-My Lord, who rules on High, I am awe at the this great day! I feel for those that are going to be outside in the cold and slush. I feel for those who are going to bed on cardboard or are sleeping in a dangerous places. I feel for those who are suffering at the hand of the devil! My Lord, keep them safe tomorrow! Bless them with so much love, joy and peace, they won't know what to do with it! Please watch over my mother as she drives home it the bad weather, bless her with good reflexes and insight as she drives! Again, thank you for today! In Jesus name I pray, Amen