Sunday, March 12, 2006


What a fantastical day! God was busy destroying Kansas City today... Actually, He wasn't, but it looked like it. Several massive storms passed through and there are more coming! I haven't seen such powerful storms this early in the year. Well, if they did happen, I forgot about them.

Yet these left an impact upon me. They kept coming and coming and coming! Tornados, hail, lakes of rain, more hail, high winds...its almost biblical! It's times like these I truely fear the Lord! He is so awesome and powerful, and there is none like Him!

I was reading from Good Morning God and I felt I should share this:
"Yes, dwell much upon the positives! Let the good things of life saturate your mind; think much about them and do not give thought to the negative. Always think upon the positive. Concentrate upon each blessing until you are filled with joy! Always you have concentrated most upon the negatives of life. Now it is time to learn to fill your thoughts with the good. You are learning to wear the armor of God."

I have been communicating with a person who feels much negativity. Who doesn't these days? But, in our conversations, I try to be positive and up lifting and already, I can see the difference in this person's life! God called me to speak with them. He gave me the courage to say, "I care and I am not afraid to get the messes of your life upon me because I have my own too." God has made life to be insanely interesting like that! It just makes me love Him more and more each and everyday!

You know, I thought my life was very unique. I have never met someone or heard of someone who lost their father at a young age. Mostly, I know of people who were older who lost their dad. My father joined the Lord when I was five. I also found someone else who lost their father at the same age. I hope to one day speak to this person about their lifes experiences after all that happened.

Verse for today is: Proverbs 12:4 (MSG)
A hearty wife invigorates her husband,
but a frigid woman is cancer to the bones.

This is so true and I will not allaborate. :)
Enjoy the day!
--Lord Jesus, whom I want to give my all and to share my all! Help me be real, honest, open, and unjudgemental. Let me see with unclouded eyes, let me feel and share with those that hurt and beg for forgiveness! Lord, bless me and expand my territory! Take my hand and guide me down your path. Pull me away from evil and help me not cause pain to others and myself! Make my will bend to Yours and help me to see the folly of my own way! I pray Father for those in the Kansas City area who might be affected by the storms that rage in the area! Lord, keep them safe and protect those you need it the most! Care for the poor during this time and bless those who might loose it all! In Jesus name, who I know died upon the cross for me, I pray, Amen!

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