Monday, March 13, 2006

Condemn or not to condemn that is the question.

[NOTE- I forgot to spell check and proof read my stuff! Sorry for the visual pain!]
Listen, I don't want to condemn people because of their choices. That is their decision, not mine. Who am I to say what religion is perfect? I am but a man with only a mans vision, except for when the Lord points something out to me. That, I leave up to Him. He convicts me to speak out about matters and to tell people about Himself and what He desires. And that is a relationship. Pure and simple.

I was reading in the Gospel of John, and hit the beginning of Chapter 8. His choice to protect an adulteress woman or a whore was important, because it saved her soul and it made a point to the attackers. "If you are free of sin, let you be the first to cast the first stone." [Paraphrased]

There are so many of us that attack sinners, even to the point of making them worthless, we forget the point. Save them, don't attack them! Save their spirits, don't kill them! Save their hearts, don't crush them! SAVE THEM! It doesn't make any difference who they are, they are loved by the Lord.

So many people think there are others who are unloveable, which there aren't. God loves them all and holds out for them, even until the end and hopes their "free will" will choose Him. God doesn't want to see His creations destroyed like a child destroys old toys! HE LOVES THEM!

It takes energy, commitment and prayer to deal with those who need it. Do you think you are perfect and can judge another and condemn them because YOU don't like it? God made us free to choose our course in life, you have to accept what others choose.

-Jesus, we are a world of condemners. We find fault in all that happens and blame others for our own mistakes. We also condemn those who need the most love to make it to You. You accept them regardless of what they have done or are doing or will do! Father, I worship You and give thanks for today and this time! You are so worthy of praise, love and worship! Thank You for loving me and dying to the cross for my sins! In Jesus name, Amen

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