Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Posted 2-5-07 on another website:

Excuse me? Are you judgmental? No? So, you've never been judgmental in your life? OH? You're perfect? Well, excuse me! You must think you're god. Excuse me while I talk to the Real God and let Him know His cousin is here!

I feel everyone is judgmental in some way or another. I try not to be. Am I perfect? NOOOOOOOOO! I am not. So don't hold me to some stupid perfect idealistic level, because I will disappoint you! Also, don't be some sort of hypocrite either and say "Non-Christians aren't judgmental" that is bullshit...Oh, did I cuss? Yes, because there really isn't a better word to describe it. Non-Christians are just as bad as anyone. So don't be holier than thou with yourself.

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