Wednesday, May 30, 2007

It's That Simple

Posted 11-02-06 on another website:
Do you know what it means to be a Christian?
Not the way some closed minded pastor told you. Nor is it the way some fool of a "know-it-all" person, who is a fulltime hypocrite, would say.

Being a Christian doesn't mean a religion. It's a relationship. You don't have to give up anything to become a Christian, unless you want to. No one can make you nor can they tell you to give up something. Only you can decide.

How do you become a Christian? Easy. Understand that we are all imperfect and are sinners. We all fall short of the glory of God. We are all worthy of death and complete seperation from God. But, God loves us and because of that great love, He sent His Son to earth to pay the price for our sins. He loves us so much, His Son, Jesus, was nailed to a cross and died, but was raised from the dead after three days once the price was paid in full.

So, what does that leave you? Because Jesus accepts us with all of our faults, we are to accept Him in all of His perfection. Accept Him without restriction as your Lord and personal Saviour, and He will accept you as a long lost child that was found. Reguardless of what you have done, are doing now, or will ever do, Jesus will accept you. And all...and I mean this...ALL OF YOUR SINS WILL BE WIPED AWAY AND COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN! And because you are free of sin, you are guaranteed eternal life with the God of the universe, who created everything...Not to mention, you get to experience His awesome sense of humor!

Think about it.

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