Saturday, January 28, 2006

What can I say?

Well, I wasn't able to keep my promise tonight to take photos. It seems I heard the times wrong for the meeting. Or something else happened and I didn't have a clue as to what went on.

So, I have broken a promise. And I have been trying to do my best to keep my promises, especially when it comes to church matters. It angers me that it happened and there is nothing I can do to fix it. I am going to have to do some major explaining tomorrow, if I see the people who organized the event. I hope I do because I messed up, even though I don't know how.

Well, for my birthday, I get to baby sit two sick CD Printers. One is a worn out robot and the other is a new monster that has "issues". It used to be a non-baby-sit task when it came to printing CDs, now I "have" to be here.

Sometimes, I like being here, because it gets me out of my apartment and around people. Well, if people are here when I print the CDs. Usually, I show-up around or after my church's 5 PM Saturday service to print the CDs so that they are ready for recording the next morning. I do this to make sure the message title and speaker is set in stone. This tactic works 98% of the time. Sometimes, things happen and a speaker wouldn't be able to make it and we would have 100 CDs with that speakers name on them. At that point, a Sharpie marker corrects it. What has happened in the past was the message title and the speaker changes or the whole series name changes and we have these 100 CDs that are basically useless. That is when we pull out the peel-and-stick labels.

Another reason I like being here is I can spend a deep moment with the Lord. It isn't often you can just sing or yell out, "I LOVE THE LORD" in a big building without getting in trouble or people looking and pointing at the Jesus Freak. Plus, this building seems alive! It seems to breathe and make noises, almost in response to questions. I know that God exists everywhere, but sometimes, I feel Him here. Almost as if He has made a "home away from Home" in the Worship Center.

Man, I am just trying to enjoy baby-sitting this monster of a CD printer, but I'm not. Oh well, Happy Birthday.

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