Sunday, January 29, 2006


What do I mean by freedom? Is it freedom related to the U.S.? Or freedom related to doing what I want? How about freedom of life, related to religion? It's that last question I am referring to. Everyone, who has ever been born and will be born has been given freedom, because of God's awesome grace.
To be a true Follower of Christ, you must understand we have freedom. Freedom to worship the Lord in any way you choose. Freedom to love Him any way you choose. Freedom to trust Him any way you choose. Freedom from lists. Freedom from religion. Freedom from rituals. Freedom from sin. Freedom to read His word. Freedom to be with Him.
Your relationship can be as stiff or as personal as you choose. Of course, all actions affect things when we go to be with Him, but I hope you get the point. If you don't, then let me explain: Many Christians think that drinking alcohol is a sin. I have news for you- nowhere does it say in the Bible that drinking is a sin. Even Jesus drank wine! But, drinking TOO MUCH alcohol will generally lead to sin because it breaks down barriers we normally put up help us think about our actions.
It is anyone's choice if they drink and it isn't my place to tell them not to because I might "feel" it is a sin. But, if it's my brother or sister in Christ, and they are getting sloshed and making life hard on themselves, then I will step in. Why? Because, we should help fellow believers not to sin.
There are some who feel that smoking is a sin. Again, the Bible doesn't say that it is, plus, smoking isn't even mentioned. So, what is sin? Sin is something that takes control of you. Sin is something that removes your focus from what is important in life. Sin is something that takes you away from the Lord. Sin causes a person to defy the Lord. You see, some sin isn't global, i.e. drinking, smoking, gambling, video games... "Whaa? Video games? How can video games be a sin?", you might say. Let me explain, a dry alcoholic knows of the horrors of alcohol, but also knows that everyone isn't affected by alcohol like they would be. The same is true for video games, some people can play and leave them, while others are hooked on them like some sort of drug!
A few years ago, I was a junky when it came to video games. I was playing online, and would be involved in epic campaigns to slaughter thousands of "men or creatures" in massive multiplayer games. I was good, not great, but good enough that I could join a game clan and be counted on to help them win. I felt powerful when I won, almost prideful. Then there were times I would be raging mad... no red rage angry when I would loose or catch someone cheating. All I could think about was getting my game fix. It consumed me to the point it affected my relationships with people, especially my wife. One day, I clocked over 14 hours in a single sitting (that week alone, I did four days of solid game play), killing thousands of men in these virtual wars. I was also just starting to go back to church, after being away for almost 20 years.
Then one day, as I was floating my pride over a huge win, something inside of me said, "Why are you playing this game? Why do you gloat over the death of a soldier in a battle re-enactment from World War II? Look at all of that death! This isn't fun, and it is consuming you, which isn't what I planned for you!" I had never heard that voice before so I ignored it.
The next day, the voice was back, and again I ignored it, but kept on talking I become more soured to the game I was playing. Then I started to become soured to all games. Then it dawned upon me, "The Lord considered this to be sin, because it was taking my focus off of Him." The next morning, the desire to play games that was there every morning, was gone. In fact, I detest playing them most of the time.

So what is freedom? Having faith in the Lord and loving Him with all your heart, mind, and strength and loving others as well as you love yourself.

-Lord, I pray that someone will read this and understand something You would like for them to know. Your wisdom comes in special ways and it can help others see You in a different light. Your love for us and Your amazing grace, gave us freedom to love You and worship You. Lord, you want a personal relationship with us, with nothing in between. I know that many religions or denominations have rules or regulations to control their believers. But I now know, You don't need that to enjoy a life full of abundant joy and peace. You have been so good to me as I have struggled with life and I should have trust in You to change me to be the man You want me to be. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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