I have very powerful calf muscles and rarely do they cause me any trouble. Recently, I've been developing eye popping calf cramps! You know, the ones that force your foot into thinking you are walking on your toes...yeah those. Not as bad as charlie horsed, but effective enough to wake you up in a hurry. Well, Jesus wanted me up this morning. Not sure why, but I tried to stay awake, but the leg cramps got worse and I finally woke up. There must be a reason...or He just wanted to get me out of bed for none other than to not let me get lazy. Do I blame Him, well, I am not sure. He wants me to do many things of which I haven't been very good at keeping up on them. When I lost my job last June, I got out of my rhythm and slipped on doing things that I normally did. Plus, I've been helping someone with some personal matters.

I do know this, my ministry Robot printer is flaking out again. Age and massive over use has taken it's toll on the poor thing. So, I decided to do some work on it. The arm had some loose screws and the picker teeth lost a rubber band...yes, that is correct a RUBBER BAND. I tightened everything, replaced the rubber band, and oiled the guides and lifting screw...and it runs well now! Granted, the printer squeals like a pig sometimes (inkjets are sloppy with their ink and spew it everywhere) because there is ink in some cog or wheel someplace. The guide bar for the print head is all oiled, so I know that isn't the case. Well, it just needs to go back to the manufacturer to get overhauled!
We do have another printer/robot in mind and hope to get it soon. It can print many more disks at a time and uses HP print technology. In my opinion, HP technology prints better on CDs. As to being more ink pinching, the cows are out on that. So far, our Primera Technology Signature Pro can squeeze out almost 1000 CDs with a single color cart. That is provided I can reduce the amount of ink it uses and color content of the graphics. I would love to do full rich color, dynamic graphics, with powerful bold text. But, that would be what I want, not what the Lord wants. My church doesn't mind it if we did the full graphics, but the costs of the CDs would jump through the roof. When we had our failed CD printer (of a brand I will not mention, unless you care to know, leave a comment [moderated] with your email address and I will tell you want it was), our ink use was very high when we were using it. If I remember, we were getting about 380 to 400 CDs per cartridge, which was twice as large as the Primera ink cartridge, and almost double the cost.
So today, I am watching the printer/robot to ensure it prints and doesn't swing it's arm into the input bay. I observed this before and was very concerned. All I can do is leave it up to the Lord to make sure it works. It is His work that we do after all and these messages are saving lives and finding new ones for His family. They are going all over the world. I have a graphic, but it isn't on the computer I am posting from. Once I put in the places the CDs are going to, it was awesome! Some of the CDs bounce through others before they reach their final destination. God is awesome and nothing will ever get in His way!
-Father, today, I tried to get into Your Word, but I wasn't mentally there. Please forgive me. I feel like I am slipping, so PLEASE grab a hold of me and stop the sliding! I want to be Yours, I want Your influence in my life, I want Your love to guide me through all the joys and pitfalls of life! I am Your son, Your child, Yours, period. You are my God, my Father, my Savior, my Best Friend and nothing will ever compare to the greatness of all that You are and can do. Bring me close to You, enfold me in Your loving arms, sit me upon Your peaceful lap, like a Father who loves His son and wants to enjoy a moment of closeness with him. You are my God, and I will love You forever and ever! In Jesus' name I pray, amen!
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