Tuesday, February 28, 2006


I was reading in Matthew Chapter 12 and I came upon something that just spoke volumes to me about how free we truly are... EVEN BEFORE CHRIST EVER CAME TO THIS EARTH!

Jesus, as some of you know, knew the deal. The Jewish leaders didn't and they had twisted the Law so much, no wonder God was upset with them. In Matt 12:6-8 Jesus says to the Pharisees, "There is far more at stake here than religion. If you had any idea what this Scripture meant- 'I prefer a flexible heart to an infelxible ritual'- you wouldn't be nitpickling like this. The Son of Man is not lackey to the Sabbath; he's in charge." (MSG)

Do you know what this means? And this isn't about the Sabbath, but how many believers have these "inflexible rituals" in their lives? To be sure, I looked it up in my NIV bible to see what scripture Jesus was refrencing: 1 Samuel 15:22,23; Psalm 40:6-8; Isaiah 1:11-17; Jeremiah 7:21-23; Hosea 6:6 {which Jesus directly talks about}). This has been mentioned by the Lord and explained to His people for hundreds of years. Freedom! Yet, they didn't get it. It took God Himself to spell this out, even though it was written by His prophets for years.

We are free to love the Lord with an open heart. Inflexible rituals are not what He wants. It's a relationship, not dogma or religious stiffness. I also was reading the beatitudes and Jesus was pointing out that people are blessed when you can "...show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight." (Matt. 5:9, MSG) That is a desire of mine, if the Lord will let me have it, to show people we are to love one another, not to condemn them for "being an alcoholic, drug addict, or gay." Everyone, and I mean this, everyone is deserving of God's love! Even if they hate Him.

--Dear Lord it breaks my heart to know there are people who claim to love You, yet contain so much hate towards others that "don't fit." You are love, You made us in love, You died for each in love, and You continue to love, reguardless. You also will accept each unconditionally, just as I , and anyone else, accepted You unconditionally. That is the only rule You have for each, in order to have You in their lives. I feel for those that hate You because they are missing out on so much. I feel for those who have been twisted by the minds of men or women that haven't truly discovered the love You want us to share to others. I feel for those that have read about Your love, but have become the seed tossed upon rocky soil, and die quickly when they realize it takes a lot energy to do this. I will not be fake and say it is easy to love the unlovable, it's hard, very hard, but I know You'll give us that energy to feed these people the Living, Loving Water that flows from You! Many months ago, You told me to hand back my spiritual cup... to give me a spiritual bucket. Soon, and You know this, I will need something bigger. Thank You Lord for letting me drink in Your awesome love. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

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