Sunday, September 03, 2006

Pr0n is bad...really bad.

This is to the Lord:
I am a fool. I messed up and again, I don't know how to perminately stop it! Lord, I lay at your feet that horrible desire for pr0n. Here I am, a man who loves you, and I have confessed to the world, I still like pr0n. And I detest it.
Lord, it is a demon, infesting the mind of men and women around the world. It poisons the soul and weakens the spirit of even the most strongest of people. Not human can fully resist it because it is everywhere.
Please Lord, take this demon, remove it. Please Lord, take this pain and lust, and remove it. Please Lord, save me from my ownself...because even I am not good for myself and you know what is best.

Please forgive me for be so weak. Please forgive me for being so human. Please forgive me for being so weak willed. I pray for your blessing upon me today to help me get through this day. Amen.

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