Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Trust is a hard thing to have with something. With people, trust is great to have, but as we all know, people are people and they can decide to not be trustworthy. Trust can be put into things, like your car, buildings, computers, climbing equipment, but like all things, they wear out and brake. Nothing is perfect and has to be inspected often to ensure it is still trustworthy.

When I was a tower climber for a small company, I had to put complete trust into my climbing gear. I mean, I had to have faith in a man made object and not the Lord. The idea took a long time for me to accept. It was then I realized, it wasn't faith in the gear, but faith in the Lord that He wouldn't let me fall. So to trust my gear, I had to inspect it everytime I climbed, and if my gear saved me from a fall, it had to be replaced.

With Jesus, I don't have to inspect Him everytime I pray to Him for help because He is always there. Also, if I fall, He is there to pick me up, and I don't have to replace Him, because He is forgiving of my sins. But why do so many people have to inspect Jesus so much?

I guess the idea of God wanting to live with us here on earth is too much for some people to accept. Or is it the idea that He was raised from the dead and left nothing behind? Well, all I can say is, you have to have faith that He did live, died and was risen from the dead. God really wants people to believe in Him, so He leaves a little out of the story. If everything was there, then can someone develop a true love or passion for Him? I mean, what would you do if I said, "Your kids don't want anything to do with you because they don't believe you are their parent. They want proof, such as the act of having sex, photos of themselves as embryos, photos of actual birth and interviews with all doctors and nurses and paperwork associated. Then, and only then would they 'think' you are their parent."
Sound absurd? Most people would be able to produce all but the first two items. Most children go off the faith and trust that their parents really are their parents. But, us as children, want absolute fact that He exists and Jesus was His son and died on a cross for our sins, but was raised from the dead on the third day.

If He doesn't exist, then explain the complexity of the Universe? Of Earth? The human body? Each individual creature, from bacteria to whales? Did you know, that the odds of making just one rung of a DNA strand of any one creature is 10^56 to 1? Granted, the Universe is 12 billion years old, but mathematicians have already figured out that the odds are against evolution.

Does that make me a Creationist or Intelligent Designist? Both, but I want to add a third item, adaptability of species occurs and has been observed. Creatures do change to meet the way the world changes. Look at the Wooly mammoth? A hairy elephant type of creature, but died out because of changing weather. There is so much I can spew out about this matter, I make myself tired just thinking about it. I know that God exists, heck, even the world's biggest atheist believes that there is a God, because of his constant analysis of the Universe for the past 50 years!

But do you have to believe? Not really. It's still up to you and you alone. Only you can save yourself and all I can do is point you in the right direction. Think about it while looking at a sunset or exploring a national park or observing the birth of a child.

While climbing, I never forgot to pray to the Lord to keep me safe and to be my strength. I trusted Him completely to get me through. Just like now, a rough period in my life, I have faith and trust in Him to get me through it because He is in control.

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