Saturday, February 18, 2006


My friends got married. The wedding was very beautiful and the kids are great! They are perfect for each other. I pray for the best for them!

That is something that I want to talk about. The joining of a man and a woman into one. Jesus said in Mark 10:6-8 "In the original creation, God made male and female to be together. Because of this, a man leaves the father and mother, and in marriage he becomes one flesh with a woman--no longer two individuals, but forming a new unity." (MSG)

My views on this will push me into rightwing territory. I don't condone gay marriage. Sure, whatever they do on their own time is up to them, but I don't think they should have the same legal rights as child producing couples. I mean, Jesus made it plain, "...God made male and female to be together." People claim marriage is a man created thing, its not. Sure, there are lots of legal aspects to it, but what doesn't have something legal attached to it anymore. Marriage was created by God to signify to others: this man and this woman belong to each other and no one else. If you really look into the logic of this, God was a master. By declaring man to marry, this would help reduce disease, unwanted pregnancies, and hosts of other little things. It also holds the man and woman accountable for any children they might produce.

The Lord loves children. We are His children and He gives us the gift of bearing and raising children. Homosexually doesn't produce children, unless they adopt or use artificial insemination. Now, do I hate gays?
Will I go and yell in their faces that God hates them?
No, because nowhere does it say God Hates Homosexuals. He hates the act, not the person.
I have a shocker for anyone who reads this, Jesus loves gays! He also loves prostitutes (Luke 7:36-48), adulterers ( John 8:1-11), tax people(Mark 2:13-14, Luke 19:1-10), even people who live together unmarried (John 4:1-20). He loves each of us and wants an independent relationship with you. He just doesn't love the sin in our lives.

Jesus modeled the way for us on how we are to treat each other. And that way is with Love. His love. As for condemning a gay person, I prefer to let them find that out themselves, because what they are going through is between God and them. I can only point out what the Word says and they can figure it out on their own. Remember what I said in my previous post about watering a plant? The same applies here.

As for my designs on marriage, I miss it. I miss the near constant conversations. I really don't like to be alone. I almost crave being around people now. I know the more I am with people, the less I am to focus on myself. I have let the Lord know my feelings on this matter, and as usual, I was very open; I hate it! But, there is nothing I can do about it. There aren't many women out there that can date a man who is poor. So, all I can do is leave it up to the Lord to figure out. The best answer I get, "You'll have a wife that will make all men envious and she will make you feel like a king!" Whoa!

-My Lord and King, who rules over everything. I thank You for the gift of seeing a true wedding with You in mind. I thank You for the words of love and encouragement the couple gave to each other. I thank You for the love and promises they gave to each others children. Lord, that wedding wasn't about the joining of two people, but of joining two families! I pray those kids are kept in Your light and they are raised under Your guidance. Lord, I also pray for the homeless in Kansas City tonight. With temperatures reaching single digits, the cold will be deadly! I pray for space for them at the homeless shelters or with people who have warmth. Help them survive and to get food. Thank You Lord for giving me the chance to work with a homeless feeding program today and I look forward to help more in the future! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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