Sunday, June 04, 2006

What a day!

Yesterday, I borrowed a bike from a friend of mine to see whether or not I am willing to ride it consistently. In fact, I was going to ride it this morning.

God had other plans for me. It rained this morning. Instead, I got up, ate a leisurely breakfast, drank nearly a pot of coffee (I thank God for making coffee because it tastes so good!) and went into church to hear the message and to record CDs.

Afterwards, I rode the bike... and boy did it hurt! The seat was harder than concrete and the gears are not working very well, but I did do it. And I liked it, even though my lungs and heart would say differently. To be honest, I think I did what the Lord wanted me to do.

If it wasn't, then I pray for an ear to hear His words and a heart that will remember those words. I so need Him on a daily/hourly/minute/moment basis. It is because of Him, I am any good at anything. So I have this to say:

Thank you Jesus for allowing me to love You and to ask that You be my confidence. Because You the deal and I don't.

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