Monday, April 23, 2007

While at bed...

Before I sleep,
Great battles are fought for my keep.
A cloud of white, a flash of red,
All fight above me in bed.

Angels clothed in white guard my soul.
The Fallen clothed in red want it to boil.
A Black shape lurks about me waiting patiently.

Someone yells, "That is Death, he is here for you..."
Another yells, "You know what you have to do!
It is not too late,
To avoid your fate!"

I am assailed from all sides,
Some yelling words of love and others bile.
I know I must take a step,
Or I will be in Death's grip.

I want to be with the Lord,
To see what I haven't explored.
But Love wants me to be on earth,
Because life has so much worth.

I know what has to be done,
As I know it's a fight that won't be easily won.
The Evil One has a special interest in me,
As I can talk about the Lord with glee!

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