Monday, February 27, 2006

Be Complete.

Today, I was reading a book called "Good Morning God", by Pamela Steinke. It is broken into little paragraphs for each day of the year and they are from her quiet time she had with the Lord and this was what she wrote. This one was dated Feb. 27th.

"Give Me all your concerns. Then do not pick them up again. When you give them to Me, I take them. I do not walk away from your outstretched hand. I take what is in it! I take it for My own and I deal with it. I use miraculous means if I must, but I do deal with it in the best possible way. How foolish for you to take it back again even for a moment. Leave all this with Me. I am your salvation. I am your love, I am your life-I am all to you. Rejoice in My love! Rest in My greatness which is displayed on your behalf. Be complete in Me, for I am your completion. I am all that you seek, all that you hunger and thirst for, all that your spirit cries out to have, all that your soul yearns to possess. I AM."

Again, this isn't from me, but she felt is was from the Lord and wrote it down. I have read this book virtually every morning for the last year and it has changed my life. I don't hold it equal to the bible, but I consider it part of my private time with the Lord. And He has spoken to me through this book. What is interesting is, a woman in the Philippines sent it to me, yet it was first published in the U.S. 15 years ago.

Today, it did help me. I gave the Lord my concerns and what was bothering me and He is keeping them away! I am thankful for a Lord that does love me so much to declare such a paragraph to a woman from Pennsylvania over 15 years ago to help a woman in the Philippines to help a man in Kansas... I just love Him so much because of this and how far reaching His plans truly are!!! He is a God who sees and cares for His children!


--Dear Father, this day, I gave you my concerns, my bothering thoughts. Some of these thoughts I brough upon myself, but You did take them away and you cleared my mind! I will always be Yours and my heart screams out in joy at Your awesome hand in my life. I want to do what you want me to do, and I constantly look for Your guidance and direction. Use me, use me, use. And yeah, I know that is a dangerous thing to pray for, but You know, I am Your man! I was reading in Matt 9:35-38 and I felt Your impressions upon me when I read part of those passages: "...When He looked out over the crowds, His heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd." Lord, I know there are people out there that have never heard of You, never given You a thought, never consider You because of someone else not expressing the Good News to them in a way they can understand. If it isn't me to help others, then I pray I can encourage others to bring people to You! Today, You have me more than I have ever felt! Today, I can FEEL YOU! Thank You Father for turning Your face towards me and looking at me! I haven't felt You in months!!! In Jesus name I pray, Amen!!!!!!!!!

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